Broadcast on: 11 October, 2022

Our guest today, Professor Anna Wirz-Justice, has invested her academic career into looking into chronobiology - the study of biological rhythms. The best studied rhythm in chronobiology is the roughly 24-hour circadian rhythm.






Broadcast on: 3 October, 2022

Designer Judee Kisob Frick joined us to talk about her Tribal Traces pop-up store on Gerbergässlein 10, which includes high-end home furniture and furnishings from or inspired by influences from around the African continent.

Broadcast on: 27 September, 2022

Catherine Nisato and Elias Graba of Basel Chamber Voices came into the studio to tell us about the choir's upcoming open rehearsal and concerts. Catherine is one of the choir's founders, and Elias is the choir director.

Broadcast on: 20 September, 2022

You will often hear us discussing and reporting on Swiss politics here at The English Show. This week was no exception as a national and cantonal referendum will take place on the 25th of September 2022. If you are not a Swiss citizen or perhaps you are contemplating becoming one, you may have been wondering how participation in Swiss elections and referendums works.

Broadcast on: 13 September, 2022

Choreographer, producer and dancer Catherine Habasque is the founder of Dancers For The World. This humanitarian organisation uses dance and performing arts in the field in camps, hospitals, and prisons to empower vulnerable people worldwide through dance.

Broadcast on: 6 September, 2022

Elizabeth Voss, the Vice Chair for Democrats Abroad Switzerland, joined us at the English Show to remind American expatriats living in Switzerland (and Basel in particular) to register to vote in the upcoming "midterm" elections.

Broadcast on: 30 August, 2022

It seems just a short time ago that we were lamenting lockdowns and other pandemic related restrictions which prevented our ability to socialize in our fair city...not any more...starting last weekend, Basel was host to the 125th anniversary of the International Zionist Congress, Federal Wrestling & Alpine Sport Festival, Klosterb

Broadcast on: 23 August, 2022

The Gadget Guru, Ian Ellery, returned from his holiday hiatus with tales of gadgetry this week.  It seems he's spent his summer finding things like throwing axes that always manage to find their mark, courtesy of the tech-y embedded upgrades.

Broadcast on: 16 August, 2022

A Basel Night at the Proms - the first of its kind in Switzerland - is a gala evening initiated by British-born soprano and musical star Beverley Worboys that will unite Swiss and international artists in a grand celebration of music, arts, and culture at the Stadtcasino in Basel.

Broadcast on: 5 July, 2022

Susan Brownfield and Suzanne Lucas of Boutique Theatre Basel were in the studio to tell us about the theatre company's upcoming production. Planned for a September Swiss debut, Alexander S.