Peter Kaufmann and Natalie Corman of Basel Blindenhundeschule

Broadcast on: 
29 April, 2014

The English Show was delighted to have Peter Kaufmann and Natalie Corman of the Basel Guide Dog School (Blindenhundeschule) in the studio. They were on hand to tell us about the mission of the foundation that supports the schools which breeds and trains guide dogs. The dogs specialize in serving the needs of those that are blind, need physical assistance or those with autism. Every first Saturday of the month (coming this Saturday 2, May 2014) between 3 and 5 pm, the school hosts a free open house which allows visitors to meet the current class of trainees, learn about the school and its training programs. The school is always looking for foster families for their dogs that need 1-1.5 years to live with a foster family until they are placed.  

For more information, please visit:

An English version of the site is available.