Winter Weather Wallops Alps; More Bang For Your Buck; Corona Vax Updates

News For 2 November 2021

According to MeteoSwiss, the Swiss national weather service, winter has arrived in force in many mountainous parts of the country.  The snow line has descended below 800 meters on average, and the outlook is for an additional one-half meter of snow by the weekend.  This, of course, is great news for those looking forward to the opening of the Swiss ski-season - according to MeteoSwiss meteorologist Roger Perret, with the assistance of snowmaking it is likely some resorts will open.  However, it has hardly been a blessing for motorists, many of whom have yet to install winter tires on their autos.  The canton of Graubunden in particular, where many villages are at an altitude above 1000 meters found their roads impassable or dangerous from snow falls.


Early on Friday morning two ATMs were blown up on the main street in Oberwil. There was major property damage to the building and ATMs. On site, the police discovered another, non-detonated explosive charge, thankfully nobody was injured. At 3am in the morning, a loud explosion was reported by neighbours living opposite the Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank (BLKB) branch on Hauptstrasse in Oberwil. Two individuals wearing black clothing were seen inside the bank on the ground floor where the ATM machine was located. The two perpetrators were only at the scene for a matter of minutes before escaping, leaving the smoking building. It took the police 30 minutes to arrive on scene to investigate, who at this stage are unable to disclose who the offenders might be or how much money was stolen.


Starting November 4th, those living in retirement and assisted living facilities will become eligible for Covid 19 booster shots.  Basel Stadt will be delivering the vaccinations directly and on-site using mobile vaccination teams.  People 65 and older in the general population will be eligible for their booster shot at the Stadt vaccination center at the Messeplatz starting the 15th of November.  Yesterday, a London-style, double-decker bus parked in front of the Centralbahnplatz (site of the SBB) where those who have yet to be vaccinated for Covid 19 could go for their free shots.