WIFI On SBB...Finally; Basel Bird Migration Hub; Drought Dips Rhein; Pony Ride Protest

News For 23 October 2018

Unlike most European railway systems and even most global airlines, the Swiss Federal Railway (SBB) has yet to offer internet services on its trains.  In a bid to catch up with the rest of the world, SBB will pilot a program starting in late 2019 that intends to use the new 5G mobile networks that will be up and running by then.  Initially, users will need to download an app, and submit their telephone numbers to use the service.  In addition, only clients of the mobile providers Sunrise and Salt will be eligible to use the service.


With the end of summer finally upon us, some Basel residents have noticed an unusual swarm of migratory birds.  It seems the birds also enjoyed the late season warm weather and have just now gathered to begin their migration south.  In the meantime, as the bird population swelled the neighborhoods where the birds rested were unfortunately, and unusually, "soiled".  Residents also complained of the excessive noise in the early and late hours of the day.  Before any action could be taken, a cold snap seems to have settled in, sending the birds on their way.


It seems hard to believe that the last few years we were reporting on possible flooding and the swelling waters of the Rhein.  To the contrary, shipping on the Rhein has been halted in Basel due to the water levels being dangerously low.  Meteorologists are even calling the current weather conditions in Basel a drought.  The city gets roughly 10% of its imported goods via shipping, which will now have to come by rail or truck which are more expensive options for distributors.


Animal rights activists have rallied to stop pony rides at this years Herbstmesse.  For years, no vendor wanted to host such an attraction for fear of boycotts and demonstrations.  However, Basel's Veterinary Office provided principles of operation which at least one provider decided to offer.  A petition was subsequently launched by an animal rights group that has gathered over 1000 signatures protesting the "noise, monotony and unruly children" which the animals are constantly exposed to.  The Veterinary Office, has shot back that their operating guidelines will require the vendor to move the ponies to a farm each evening for rest, and that a specially designated tent will need to be on site at the Herbstmesse to provide each animal with breaks.