Referendum Run-Down; Right-Wing Rally Rout; Smoking Ban Reaches Train Platforms

News For 27 November 2018

Sunday was a busy day for Swiss voters who participated in federal and cantonal referendums.  The most visible of the plebiscites focused on the "Swiss Law First" initiative sponsored by the SVP (Swiss People's Party).  The vote centered on enshrining the primacy of Swiss over EU laws and was roundly rejected by voters for fear of further complicating the economic relationship between Switzerland and its neighbors.  In yet another national referendum that captured international attention, the sponsors sought to get additional federal subsidies for keeping cattle that were not dehorned.  It seems cows with horns require additional space which puts an additional financial burden on ranchers.  The outcome of the vote rejected this initiative as well.


Right-wing, Neo-Nazi extremists staged a demonstration at the Messe Platz this past Saturday.  Approximately 50 were gathered in a pre-approved demonstration which also brought out at least 500 counter-protesters seeking to disrupt the extremists. In an effort to keep the peace Cantonal police were on high alert and were out in full force with crowd dispersion gear, which had to be used on several occasions to disperse the fighting.


Late last week, the UTP, Switzerland's public transportation worker's union announced that smoking bans will now extend to the platforms at trains stations.  The ban will come into effect June of this upcoming year, and will see smokers having to find their way to designated smoking areas if they wish to light up.  Most recently, smoking was banned throughout the stations, however smokers could still smoke on platforms and outside the entrances.